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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/Southern-Judge-9111 on 2023-09-18 15:24:29.

So this started yesterday evening. My daughter is 6, and she is my only child.

Whenever I make dinner, I always serve her first. I just feel like that’s the correct way to do it. My husband protests against this sometimes, but I always shut him down. I just think it’s fair that the kids get served first.

Anyways, yesterday evening I had made fried chicken, and I gave my daughter the biggest piece. I usually give her the biggest piece so she can save some to take for lunch in the mornings, and also because I think she deserves to have it.

I gave my husband the second biggest piece, and when he saw the piece my daughter had he got upset. He said he didn’t wanna eat anymore. When I asked him why he said “As the man of the house, I should get served first”. I told him that the kids always need to eat first and he said that he doesn’t care and it’s stupid. He then said that a 6 year old like her doesn’t deserve the biggest piece because “what does she do for the household”. He then threw his plate on the ground and I had to clean it up.

When I went to bed that evening he said he was sleeping on the couch, and then said that I needed to fix my morals. Woke up this morning to take my daughter to school and when I tried to say good morning to him he ignored me.

I feel like he’s being a bit overdramatic but I don’t know. I just need a second opinion on this situation because I think this whole thing has just been blown out of proportion. AITA?