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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/Unhappy-Door505 on 2023-09-15 21:07:33.

I (F22) recently started living with my boyfriend (M22). I hate sharing personal hygiene stuff. I have two different soaps for body and face, and three towels ( body, face and hair). My boyfriend has one towel that he uses to dry, well everything. Its gross to me.

Anyway he knows not to use my stuff. Today I found him with the towel dedicated to my face wrapped around his waist.

I was so grossed out and yelled at him for using it. He said he wanted to take a shower and couldn’t find his. I am still mad and refusing to talk go him .

He called me selfish and said I am acting like a AH over a towel. That its not a big deal.