Hello Friends,

I have a small ubuntu Server and I finally also want to transfer my Vaultwarden Instance to it. On this Server I have several services running (homeassistant, …) and Certbot via Dehydrated (right now I get a certificate for my duckdns address). In some directory I have the privkey and fullchain files.

Now my Problem is that when I start vaultwarden it wont load as https.

I believe, my Problem is telling Vaultwarden, where my certificate files are located so it can use them accordingly.

This is my Compose File right now:

vaultwarden: container_name: vaultwarden image: vaultwarden/server:latest restart: unless-stopped volumes: - /home/vaultwarden:/data/ - /home/(directory to my certificates):/usr/share/ca-certificates/ ports: - 8129:80 environment: - DOMAIN=hurrdurr.duckdns.org - LOGIN_RATELIMIT_MAX_BURST=10 - LOGIN_RATELIMIT_SECONDS=60 - ADMIN_RATELIMIT_MAX_BURST=10 - ADMIN_RATELIMIT_SECONDS=60 - ADMIN_TOKEN=token - SENDS_ALLOWED=true - EMERGENCY_ACCESS_ALLOWED=true - WEB_VAULT_ENABLED=true - SIGNUPS_ALLOWED=true

The Volume Mapping to the certificates was just me trying it out so maybe its working if I map it like that.

If I open the 8129 in my Browser it will just time out. I also managed it to start but it wouldnt let me register as theres not https certificate.