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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/Crazy-Sorbet4641 on 2023-08-29 08:49:38.

My parents regret what they named my brother and I. Not sure when it happened exactly but the last couple of years they attempted to use our middle names instead of our first names which we put a stop to. My older brother is Ashton George and I’m Caden Philip. So my parents tried to call us George and Philip/Phil. My brother told them to never call him George and I told them I hated the name Philip and didn’t want to use it or have people know what my middle name is.

My brother left for college last year and at the time I knew they were talking to him about something but I had no idea what. Now I do. My parents approached me Saturday about the upcoming school year and the fact it’s my last year of high school and said they wanted to legally change my name to Philip and to give me a new middle name that would be more professional and adult sounding. I asked them what made them think I wanted that given I already told them not to call me that. They said they’d tried to appeal to my brother before he left for college but he refused to entertain the idea. So they wanted to start earlier with me. They said they have huge regrets about our names, especially mine, as it’s so trendy and not very professional sounding. I told them I like my name and to let it go because I am Caden whether they like the fact or not.

My grandparents (dad’s parents) were invited over to interfere in this as well. Apparently they never liked our names and are absolutely on board the “he needs an old ass name to get somewhere in life”. I was told to think about my future and how it will look when I try to find a job with the name Caden or how much easier I will find it to be taken seriously with a classic or old fashioned name like Philip over something trendy and bad like Caden.

I learned that my parents cannot legally change my name at this age without my express consent, which is why they are pushing this so hard. Upon hearing this I told them I would not discuss it with them anymore and I refuse to change my name. My parents and my grandparents all think I’m being unreasonable and they say I should listen to their reasoning more and really think about it.

I feel like this is SO dumb. I talked to my brother and he said he still gets a comment here and there about his name. He lets it roll off his back.