Title text: A circle with an A in it means that the circuit has committed a sin and has been marked as punishment.
[A chart of various circuit symbols and their (mostly) fictitious meanings based off of their drawings, captioned:] Circuit Symbols [Symbol for a switch, labelled:] Drawbridge [Symbol for a capacitor, labelled:] Overpass [Symbol for a connection to ground, labelled:] Pogo Stick [Symbol for a resistor, labelled:] Earthquake [Symbol for an inductor, labelled:] Sheep [Symbol for a transformer, labelled:] Two Sheep in Love, Trapped on Opposite Sides of a Fence [Symbol for a battery, labelled:] Battery [Symbol for a battery, sorted, labelled:] Baertty [Symbol for a battery, with far too many short lines, labelled:] Battttttttttttery [Symbol for a photodiode, labelled:] Check Out This Really Cool Diode [Symbol for an oscillator, labelled:] Wave Pool [Symbol for a transistor, labelled:] Trolley Problem