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Ignoring politics, but when people die due to political stunts, it should be fucking criminal…
Submitted 1 year ago by to
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Archived version:…/world-us-canada-66486236
Ignoring politics, but when people die due to political stunts, it should be fucking criminal…
Greg Abbot is, at the very least, a manslaughterer
It is criminal, certainly. The issue is that police won't touch someone with power without an airtight case and political cover to do so. Because that shit will get dragged out for years while normal people go to jail immediately and prison pretty quick.
“But both sides!”
Do we have any indication of how she died? Was it random bad luck or did the conditions on the bus directly contribute to her demise?
Ultimately, I hope everyone with a shred of responsibility faces jail time over this. It’s just a question of how much time. 1 year ago
God Damn America