Lewy.world is an adult/NSFW content homepage for Lemmy. It will have content from lemmynsfw.com, pornlemmy.com, lemmyf.uk etc.
- Have a porn only instance
- No porn related records in the browser history
- No need for incognito mode
- Easier access to the adult content instances
Lewy Features
- Only porn: I’m only federating with porn instances so your “All” tab will only show porn. It will be literally your alt account.
- No local content: I’ll not allow opening community here and will behave only as a homepage. I’ll redirect donations to the real hosters.
- NSFW Patch (upcoming): I’ll use NSFW patch from lemmynsfw.com so it will be easier to access content.
- Incognito Patch (upcoming): I’ll add stealth patches on top of NSFW patch. With the patch, browser title and URL will not change when you navigate. This way your browser history will stay safe.
- Alternative UIs (upcoming): I’ll add multiple alternative Lemmy UIs to better use.
That’s all for now. I’m open to suggestions 🙏
cacheson@kbin.social 1 year ago
Added you to the list of specialized instances.
Having the NSFW patch will be nice. Hiding NSFW for logged-out users with no way to change it is a really irritating design decision on the part of the lemmy devs. Though the patch used on lemmynsfw doesn't seem to work right. Maybe ask pornlemmy about the patch that they use? Also, remember to share whatever changes you make, since lemmy is licensed under the AGPL.
For the incognito patch, could you make it toggle-able, or part of one of the alternate UIs? I like having access to stuff in my browser history. It might be better just to remind people to switch their browser to incognito mode.
Also, you may want to hammer out an explicit policy early on of what types of content you will and won't allow, and what kinds of instances you will and won't federate with. This will help avoid having the kind of drama that happened on lemmynsfw.