The wonderful comedy of Vulcan manners, Charades, turns out to be a first time directing Trek for Newfoundlander Jordan Canning.
The Newfoundlanders on my spouse’s side will be stoked to learn this.
Submitted 1 year ago by to
The wonderful comedy of Vulcan manners, Charades, turns out to be a first time directing Trek for Newfoundlander Jordan Canning.
The Newfoundlanders on my spouse’s side will be stoked to learn this.
Holy SHIT! That is amazing. I’m from the US but love Hey Rosetta! to death, I know she directed a few excellent videos for them (as well as her other work in Canadian TV). So cool. 1 year ago
Awesome! I have ancestors from Newfoundland, and some more distant family and online acquaintances still there, so I try to halfway keep up with things on the Internet. 1 year ago
As the extended Newfoundland family on my in-laws side would have it, there are cousins in every corner of North America.
It’s great to see people owning the ties.
BTW there’s another connection to Pike’s 1701 - Lt. Amin the Enterprise navigator in Discovery season two was played by Samora Smallwood, grand niece of Joey Smallwood, the premier who brought Newfoundland into Confederation as a Canadian province. 1 year ago
Oh absolutely. I had to do some investigative genealogy to uncover my roots at all, so I'm sort of cheating in that I know where EVERYBODY is, but I have "Newfoundlander" cousins in NB, ON, QC, BC, AB (of course), to say nothing of me from Florida, all the people who relocated to Boston and stayed, and then Washington state, Georgia, North Carolina. The only sad thing is the "why," I reckon.