Creative Commons licensed Content
- ProPublica
- The Conversation
- openDemocracy
- Knowable Magazine
- Freedom
- Kaiser Health News
- Reveal
- Wikinews
- TorrentFreak
- The Markup
- Science in the News
- Common Dreams
- Democracy Now!
- E-International Relations
- The Bureau of Investigative Journalism
- dailykos
- Portside
📖|Articles & online magazines:
- The New Humanitarian
- The New Inquiry
- Pesquisa FAPESP
- In The Fray
- Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research
- OpenMind
- Open Society Foundations
- Mosaic
- YES! Media
- Pluralistic
- Gwern Branwen
- Open Society Foundations
- Global Investigative Journalism Network
✍🏻|Blogging Platform:
- Wikimedia Commons
- Kaboompics
- Public Domain
- Pickupimage
- Gratisography
- openphoto
- Picography
- ISO Republic
- picjumbo
- Good Stock Photos
- StockSnap
- Smithsonian Open Access
I will add more resources when I have time.
If you want to add a website, comment it and I will check it and add it.
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