Like the Meebok M7 which runs Android 11. I know most apps support Android 9 as minimum, but how future proof will Android 11 be for these coming 5 years for example? I know it went EOL like last year. I could go for the Meebook M8 with Android 14, but it’s much more expensive…
Look up the Android version usage statistics. I think I remember reading guidance about targeting 95-98% of users was a good benchmark.
Depends on what you use it for. I wouldn’t use banking apps, but just general internet usage, email, callimg, texting, mobile gaming and/or video watching I don’t see an issue with. 1 week ago
I got several “Nook Simple Touch” a few years ago and they’ve been able to read whatever I’ve thrown at them so far.
They’re running on android 2.1!
I had to do some digging to find older versions of book apps that’d run on them, but this is the internet, the apks are out there. 1 week ago
I don’t doubt your experiences. However I worry about things like Pressreader that require a subscription or any sort of DRM or security.
I have the meebook 7 and mostly use Moon reader. 1 week ago
this is true, anything requiring constant updates and calling home will probably have an issue eventually 1 week ago
Wow okay, now I’m not worried at all haha