Today’s game is Assassin’s Creed Unity. I got to one of my favorite missions in the entire game today, which is the one where you assassinate Bellec. This fight is probably the part i remember most about this game, and every time after i do it, i wear the outfit for a bit. The mission stung quite a bit to me when i was younger too because Bellec was one of my favorite characters.


The lightning in this scene is stellar too. The whole fight is locked at an angle while a storm goes on around you. In one portion, like the one above, you fight above a stained glass window which during the entire fight you can see through. The whole thing is really pretty and makes an amazing backdrop to the fight.



Eventually the fight gets taken inside and goes from a standard Counter -> Attack -> Repeat combat too introducing a new attack he can do where i stuns you or will try to air assassinate you, which you then have to dodge out of the way. The whole lighting for the scene (seen above) is really pretty. The only way i can think to describe it is when you’re sitting in a room while it’s dark and rainy out with a set of dimmed lamps on. The way this game sets the mood is amazing. I don’t know if it was a bug or what but during this fight my UI vanished making it more immersive.


One thing i noticed about this scene too, is that the facial expressions are really good. I don’t know if it’s because my display was 480p or i was just young when i first played but i loved seeing this on my new display. It’s like discovering a level of depth i didn’t know was there before.


Finally the fight ends with this really amazing scene where you kill him with the hidden blade.


The only thing that throws me off with this is the blood effects are a bit cheap in AC games. I wish they would fix that.


After that there’s a rift mission. These missions always creeped me out because the usually busy city is now empty with no one around. Where there were once huge crowds is now completely empty. It’s spooky. After this though, i ended up stopping for the night, wanting to save the next sequence for later.