Me and my usual gaming buddy played some Red Dead Online today. We didn’t do much outside of a bounty and dicking around in strawberry for an hour. For a bit we climbed the building like in the screenshot above and tried to see if we could throw ourselves into the river.
After that proved to be impossible i ended up trying to lock myself in a prison cell. I succeeded by using a shotgun to blast the door shut since i couldn’t fit behind the door to close it, only to find out that doors close automatically after a while. I got this screenshot though of me sitting on the floor serving my “sentence”.
After that we went and played around in the river for a bit, but ended up on a search and rescue mission after i fell into a water wheel and my corpse got lost down stream. We got our lanterns out and went to search for it.
Luckily we found my corpse lodged in some rocks down stream. We scooped the poor thing up and carried it home where we gave it a proper funeral.
Not before my friend dropped it on the butcher’s table though. That poor Digital Butcher was probably traumatized. Finally though, after blowing my own leg off with a shotgun on accident along the way, we made it to the graveyard where we tossed me onto some random grave and gave me a proper funeral, with last words and everything. Some random lady even came by to pay her respects, then she unloaded a whole clip into my corpse. i had a screenshot for this but Lemmy seems to be bugging out and won’t let me share it sadly. 1 week ago
Does anyone else see Karl Mark in the tree in the first screen shot?