Selling body parts without consent and billing desperate parents $97,599 for air transport among worst examples
2024 Shkreli Awards:
Archived version:…/annual-awards-healthcare-profit…
SpinScore:… 1 month ago
It’s utterly depressing to see the healthcare system (and thus people’s health) circling the drain – yet another cash cow that’s been overfed and overexploited.
In the wake, a handful of assholes have more money than they can spend while millions of people all get worse–while somehow more expensive-- healthcare. Take note of United Health taking the #2 Shkreli Award this past year, upholding their rep as the scum we know them to truly be.
I think about all the research, work, advancements, sacrifice, pain, and loss that has ultimately made medical technology so amazing and cutting-edge, yet as it’s gotten more capable it’s become less available. Inevitably it became a money game just like every other industry in existence. Compassion, humanity, care–all these things take back seat to the almighty dollar. The greed and cruelty is disgusting, and it’s only going to get worse. Nothing will change the responsible party’s minds and there are scores of self-important shits waiting to usurp any of the roles responsible for this state of affairs. Just a fucking disgrace and a real ‘fuck-you’ to all the innovators and brilliant individuals that shared their talents to give the rest of us a chance at a longer, healthier life.