IN A GEOGRAPHICAL VIEW…/anaximanders-m… ( Not cultural or political) - the greeks divided the continents in 4 - To it’s west what would become western europe, to the east what would become northern central eurasia, to the north what would become eastern europe ( A SUBREGION OF NORTHERN CENTRAL EURASIA), and to it’s south (south of the 37th parallel) what would become southern eurasia/africa/malay archipelago-oceania In simple terms going by the greek’s logic of dividing continents - Lands of the southern half of the world below the 36th parallel cannot border the western and eastern eurasia, but only central eurasia can (See the first greek map - the Anaximanderian world map- if west Eurasia cannot be connected to Africa and the global south, then by logic it should also apply to east Eurasia.) . you might be wondering what determines a region geographically “west” or “east”, and what determines it is simply if it is north of the 37th parallel, and if the region directly accesses the north pacific sea, north atlantic sea, or north sea - HORIZONTALLY PARALLEL TO ANGLO AMERICA AND BRITANNIA. Very clear examples are The ainuic lands of hokkaido & southern Sakhalin and the kurils, France, the russian Kamchatka peninsula, Norway, etc. The lands that are at the edges of the atlanticist realms and unable to access these seas are Sweden, Italy, and Korea - weirdly enough these are all peninsular nations. WHY the north pacific sea, north atlantic sea, or north sea? - because of the geography in which globalization and industrialization spread. It began in Britain and Anglo America in the 1760s. Globalization came in two stages if we analyze causal human history- from 1492 to 1760 with the rise of merchants and mercantilism overthrowing the feudal structure and kickstarting the age of exploration - and then industrialization in 1760 - 1945. Also, The nations that also directly accesses the north pacific sea, north atlantic sea, or north sea - HORIZONTALLY PARALLEL TO ANGLO AMERICA AND BRITANNIA, have the utmost freedom of navigation , you can deduce this by looking at a map of EEZ’S On the british side in the pacific in the north sea - industrialization spread to denmark, then to sweden in the early 19th century, as well as the lowlands, and germany. On the anglo american side in the northern pacific - two industrialized powers emerged in the 1860s - meiji japan and russian empire On the northern atlantic - rather from anglo america, industrialization spread south from brittania to france, iberia, and then to italy in the 19th century. - geographical extent of eastern europe ( or western portion of northern central eurasia ) - geographical extent of eastern portion of northern central eurasia - geographical extent of western eurasia - geographical extent of scandinavia Amazingly, since the world is a globe and there is a geographical parallel somewhere, there is another region where the greek’s division of continents can somewhat be in effect. That is the northern han plain in china. - geographical extent of eastern eurasia However the 36th parallel demarcating the northern and southern halves of the world are blurry. Let’s go over each geographical case. - Iberian peninsula - although a small sliver of iberia is below the 37th parallel, Considering iberia as part of the global south would shift the horizontal extent of central eurasia all the way to france. The southern half of the world cannot border western eurasia, but only central eurasia - if the southern half of the world did happen to border what today we call the west, the west would cease to exist - Atlas region of North africa - Although there is a portion of north africa that is above the 36th parallel, it borders land south of the 36th parallel. Thus it would be more proper to categorize this region as part of the broader southern eurasia/africa/malay archipelago-oceania region - Korean peninsula - although a small sliver of korea is below the 37th parallel, in the same geographical reasons as iberia - if the horizontal extent of southern eurasia is extended to this peninsula in asia, it would shift the horizontal extent of central eurasia forward to western europe - this would put manchuria and inner siberia as well as korea in central eurasia, but also notably italy, germany, the netherlands geographically considered as part of central eurasia - italy being a exact parallel of korea’s geographical position but in europe. The world is a globe you see. Japan’s honshu - Although there is a portion of honshu that is above the 36th parallel, A little more than half of honshu is made up of lands south of the 36th parallel - including tokyo. - ALSO honshu is an island. It isnt like spain or italy, where it would have domino like effect affecting the logical propositions and conclusional categorization of geographic regions. thus it would be more proper to categorize this region as part of the broader southern eurasia/africa/malay archipelago-oceania region. If we were to defy logic and add honshu to eastern eurasia, it would break the first geographic law - that western and eastern eurasia cannot border lands south of the 36th parallel (southern eurasia/africa/malay archipelago-oceania), something that geographically central eurasia is geographically able to do.
Ainuic hokkaido, Mongols, Koreans, and asiatic russians are northeast asians - geographically the parallel of the western european peninsula(italy, western germany, france, lowlands, etc.) and scandinavia. The title of “east asia” goes to china and japan - countries where they are connected to territories as south as north africa and the middle east below the 36th parallel ( the kanto region, Atlas mountains in north africa, south china, kyushu shikoku, tibet, afghanistan, etc.) - youll see the geographic difference if you see the 36th parallel - the 36th parallel being chosen because the greek origin of the concepts of continents - the 36th parallel being the most southern point of greece (Anaximanderian world map- if west Eurasia cannot be connected to Africa and the global south, then by logic it should also apply to east Eurasia.)
you cant deny that nations which are north of the 36th parallel, and have direct access to the north pacific sea, north atlantic sea, or north sea (russia, france, spain, sweden, italy, korea, germany, japan, norway etc.) (although norway and korea were both conquered by their southern neighbors) all occupy positions in modern history (1492-1945) - where they are noted for their INTERCONTINENTAL colonialism during the first stage of globalization via intercontinental colonization during the rise of mercantilism and early exploration (1492-1760), or second stage of globalization of pure industrialization and pure capitalism (1760-1945) - and it is by no coincidence that the perpetrators of globalization/Intercontinental colonialism remain in high prestigous economic positions in the current Atlanticist world order after britain gave it’s torch to anglo america after ww2. Currently russia contests this world order with it’s eurasianism, with the help of china. Geography is the meta of dividing humans in groups. 2 months ago