At one point in the interview, Visitor says something about an acres who refused to be interviewed because she didn’t want Visitor to make money off of her. I didn’t catch the name though. Who was it?
TIL Connor Trinneer & Dominic Keating have a podcast called "The D-Con Chamber". Here they are interviewing Nana Visitor on her new book!
Submitted 3 months ago by to
Comments 3 months ago 3 months ago
Nevermind I went back over and found it. It was Marina Sirtis at 20:35. 3 months ago
How deeply disappointing. Yes, Nana will make money from sales, but it’s so clearly not about money. The idea of women viewing other women as competition is just another thing that keeps women down. This reflects so poorly on Sirtis, especially since she could have so much to say about how Troi’s character was treated and eventually became (a little) more than just feelings. 3 months ago
She has a good line around 21 minutes about Enterprise taking a step back when it came to progressive politics, she describes it as “going back to the cultureof the original Star Trek, and not the *concept *of the original Star Trek” which I thought was really well said. 3 months ago
I never thought about it that way, but yeah. Spot-on.
I don’t hate it in Enterprise to be honest, because there is the context of “humanity not yet at its best”.