My definition of “objectivity” is “the approach towards a philosophical matter that seeks to minimise the role of the subject in said matter”.
For example:
- If I say “two plus two equals four”, I’m being objective. My statement should be true regardless of who is saying it, who’s doing the maths, etc.
- If I say “In my opinion, green apples are great”, I’m not being objective. I’m being subjective: I’m acknowledging that the statement “green apples are great” is true for one subject (me), but it might not be true for other subjects (perhaps you don’t like green apples).
what do you think of it?
Truth is objective and should be handled objectively. Gravity doesn’t stop working because you’re in a bad mood; 2+2 doesn’t fluctuate between 3 and 5 depending on the observer; either a past event happened, or it didn’t.
Other philosophical matters are better handled subjectively. For example, morality; something can be good or bad depending on the subject, and there’s no way to handle this objectively. 4 months ago
I don’t think there is such a thing, but there are degrees from subjective to objective.