Never been a better time to switch to a more private alternative, get rid of that Google/iCloud storage! Ente can also be self-hosted for those interested in that - everything by Ente is open-source.
Message From Ente Team (e.g. the text from the link);
Ente launched 3+ years ago, without a free plan.
Our pricing was structured such that Ente could run on its own as a sustainable business over subscriptions. We knew this model would get in the way of widespread adoption, but we wanted to thwart existential risks and were comfortable playing the long game. Time has passed, quickly, and today we make our subscription plans more mainstream.
Introducing - 5GB forever free.
Starting today, all free users will have access to 5 GB of storage, forever. This means, you can rely on Ente to store and share your most precious memories without worries. All you’ve to do is use Ente once a year to keep your account active. Our business has grown to a point where this makes for a sensible marketing spend and we believe this will make Ente more accessible.
Thanks to you, along with our business, our infrastructure has scaled. This has helped us negotiate better prices with our underlying storage providers. So we’re passing on the savings, by recalibrating our pricing models. 2 months ago