A hexbear user calls for the death of me and all Americans! I reported It to dessalines, but as of posting all hes done was delete my post where I called them out! It seems like death-threats by communists are ok, but calling them silly back is impolite…
Could all of you go outside for a little bit, touch grass, smile at a stranger?
Sometimes I get angry at myself for wasting my time in pointless discussions, but this is next-level wankery. If you know that hexbear is a pig hut, don’t come here to complain that you are full of mud and pig shit in your face.
Reported as off-topic.
MyOpinion@lemm.ee 5 months ago
Do not participate with Hexbear. It and a large portion of their members are nothing but trolls.
thann@lemmy.world 5 months ago
Seriously they say the fucking funniest things sometimes tho!
whens the last time you heard something that ridiculous!?!
rikudou@lemmings.world 5 months ago
Obviously we all should go back to the place we were before colonising any land. So back to single cell organisms of the sea. Hexbear and .ml people already have a head start.