Democrats have bought into recycling programs they thought, for some reason, thought were a solution. Now, it is another example of democrats not knowing what they’re doing. They can’t govern. Those Obama trashcans that are supposed to go to recycling, with symbols on them to signify they are recyclable, are not, in fact, recycled.
Ah, yes, the ideological already downvotes this, yet everywhere I’ve lived doesn’t really recycle. Some places just throw it right with the regular trash.
And since China stopped taking recycling (wait, wtf, shipping recycling to China, oh that makes a lot of fucking sense, burning thousands of gallons of fuel oil to ship shit across the ocean to recycle?), it’s gotten even worse. 1 month ago
Paper, glass, steel, aluminium. All incredibly cheap and easy to recycle.
I agree plastic is harder to recycle, but the main reason for this is that raw plastic (from companies like Mobil) is so cheap that there isn’t the incentive to use recycled plastic.
Doesn’t mean we should not try. Or better yet, reduce the amount of single use plastics. Does that 4 pack of oranges really need to be plastic wrapped?