I have an old xiaomi 20 000mAh battery bank with two non working USB ports.
I’ve bought another one to replace it, but I’m wondering if there is a way to fix the ports.
The problem is that the case seems mostly sealed, and I see no way of opening it.
If you have some tips on how to approach this I would appreciate it ❤️
BearOfaTime@lemm.ee 6 months ago
Do you know how to solder surface mount components? Because it’s most likely a surface mount board.
Also, is it a mechanical failure of the port, or (more likely) a component failure? I’ve rarely been lucky for it to be a simple mechanical failure (and I disassemble pretty much anything that fails, because why not?)
Everything can be opened, I’ve been opening stuff since I was 5 years old (just ask my mother - nothing went untouched… I could usually get things back together and working). There’s myriad ways devices are assembled, they rarely use glue or plastic welding, and almost never on the final enclosure - that’s usually done with simple plastic latches that can be quickly assemble by machine.
You’ll want a tool kit with a “spudger” - a super thin (1/16", 1-2mm) metal bar - that can slide between the tiniest joints to start working things loose. BS (Before Spudgers were commercially available), I used pocket knives, exacto/razor blades, tiny screwdrivers, etc. It’s a tedious process, you typically break at least one of the latch tabs (I use Goop adhesive to put things back together - it holds almost anything). P
UnfairUtan@lemmy.world 6 months ago
Hey thanks. I managed to force it open with screwdrivers and razor blades. Turns out there were tight latches as well as adhesive.
I’ll see what I can do from here, but apart from cleaning, I might not have the skill to handle a USB port swap…