So, a few days ago I’ve written about a then work-in-progress configurable calendar model and now we’re ready to roll!
- The days are always correct - uses an algorithm to calculate the correct day for any date. So if you want to print a calendar for 2077, rest assured that the model will calculate the correct day for the 1st of January (it’s Friday, btw).
- Generate only select months - the full model measures 240x240 mm, which might be quite large for some smaller printers. You can generate only months 1-6 and then separately months 7-12 and voilá, it fits.
- Choose how many months are on each row - what would it help cutting the calendar in half by only selecting half of the months if you couldn’t fit 3 columns on your print bed? Well, just change the amount of columns, of course! Set it to 2 and the model fits again.
- Custom holidays - every country has different holidays and here you can put them all easily!
- No AMS or MMU? No problem! - supports printing both with AMS/MMU and without. With a simple toggle you can switch between multi material mode and a mode where each colored part has different height for manual color switching
- Are Saturdays worth celebrating? - you decide! A simple toggle to toggle whether Saturdays have that holiday/Sunday color or not
- Magnet or hook holes? - or both? You can configure the diameter, width, height and whatnot of either or both.
- What the f…ont! - choose your font, choose your font size.
- No hablo English? - just translate the calendar to your language! Title, month names and day names are all translatable. 7 months ago
On one hand, I’m assuming that you wrote proper code to figure out what day each year starts with.
On the other hand, I imagine that you set it up Friday, a constant.
Nice work though! 7 months ago
Heh, indeed I wrote a proper code to calculate the day, it’s called Zeller’s congruence and feels like magic.