I currently have a server, a Dell T310 with an SSD in it and 12Gig of ram (weird config, I know I messed up but it works fine so I can’t be bothered to change that for now), with all my dockers running in it.
It runs mostly fine, with Debian 11, a VPN so that I can block public ssh and allow it only on the VPN network, an nginx proxy to have services like a forgejo and a music library (ampache).
However it can’t run a Minecraft server with more than a single person on it without stuttering ; so I was considering changing it maybe next year, after more than 3 years of services, for something beefier but also consuming less W/h (current consumption is 80W), and since I already have a Mac for work I was wondering how suitable a Mac Mini M1/M2 would be for a homelab?
Does anyone have such a configuration and how does it work for you? Any hurdle that you should be aware of?
TCB13@lemmy.world 8 months ago
Suitable yes, if you want to do it… maybe or maybe not. Here’s a few pointers:
If you’re about to spend money I would grab an HP Mini unit with a “T” CPU, those will downclock really hard and you can get a i5-10500T (on ebay) for around 250€… and everything will work fine out of the box. An i7-8500T model also sells for 150€ or something like that.
If you’re looking for power efficiency the newer CPUs are always better, those mini units will downclock and idle at around 9-12W depending on hardware configuration.