French high commissioner says death was not the result of police gunfire as unrest flares over plan to increase the number of French nationals eligible to vote in Pacific territory
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Submitted 9 months ago by to
French high commissioner says death was not the result of police gunfire as unrest flares over plan to increase the number of French nationals eligible to vote in Pacific territory
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As with a lot of Macron’s decisions: is it reasonable: probably. Should it be imposed? No. 9 months ago
10 years? In the US, Democrats voted to allow anybody to vote in local elections if they’ve lived there for 30 days. 9 months ago
I did some research into this out of curiosity. It turns out that the 30 day requirement for local and state elections was decided by the Supreme Court in Dunn v. Blumstein (1972) as an application of the Equal Protection clause of the 14th Amendment, on the basis that states already allowed long-time residents to register to vote up to 30 days before an election and that restricting new residents from doing so was arbitrary.
Source:…. 9 months ago
Here’s a couple articles about it. There are numerous articles though if you look it up. I’m pretty sure the link you posted has to do with US citizens moving to a different state. The guy was a US citizen and moved to Tennessee. That’s completely different than letting illegal aliens vote without having to swear allegiance to our country or swear off allegiances to any “foreign potentates” and their interests…/non-citizen-voting-in-d-c-incl……/65-ec15212a-2d97-4f42-ad18-15202fca19…