Not my original content.
Submitted 9 months ago by to
Not my original content.
A meme that’s been going around the last week or two. Not sure precisely what it was, but something along the lines of asking a woman whether she’d rather be locked in a room with a bear or a guy, and she chooses the bear.
I’ve seen would you rather be alone in the woods with a bear or a random man somewhere in there.
A better question would be if she would rather be locked in a room with a bear or a black guy
Weird how no one picks the bear in that scenario. Because sex-based prejudice is fine, but race-based prejudice is wrong
This didn’t actually explain it which is why I asked on here actually.
Impossible to not read in his voice
At least the bear don’t have a daughter with a slave. /s 9 months ago
Dukat is the absolute definition of the kind of guy that that article was aimed at