So, I’ve had a Raspberry Pi 4 sitting brand new in a box for a few years, and decided to install BirdNetPi on it yesterday.
It’s working like a champ, but because BirdNetPi needed a legacy version of Raspian, it’s got old software on it.
Is there any way to update the software (i.e. RealVNC) without updating the OS? There is no built-in software updater, and I seem to very easily break Linux every time I make an attempt to use it. LOL 9 months ago
I don’t know why your OS can not be updated.
According to the official instructions (…/Installation-Guide) is should just be a normal raspbian.
Maybe do the setup again from scratch with the newest raspbian version? 9 months ago
It took several attempts (with failures) to get it installed on the latest Raspian version, then after some digging I saw that the requirements said to use “An SD Card with the 64-bit version of RaspiOS installed (please use Bullseye)”.
With Bullseye installed, BirdNetPi works just fine, but it is old and comes with old software. 9 months ago
Ah makes sense. Still there should be no issue with doing stuff the normal way.
apt update
doesn’t update your OS to a whole new version.The command for an OS update is some5hing like “do-release-upgrade” (but I forgot the exact name since I havent used debian for years) 9 months ago
Create a backup image from the working SD card. Write that backup image to a spare SD card and verify it works. Then try to do ‘apt update’ and see if anything breaks. If it breaks you got a spare SD card ready to go :)