Okay but you can always make your own shitposting community on your own instance with your own rules if you feel so strongly against the rules. That option simply was not available on R*ddit. The point of Lemmy isn’t that no one abuses their mod and admin powers ever, but that the system is set up so that you can just go to another Lemmy server, which simply was not available on R*ddit if you pissed off the site admins.
Although I personally find Lemmy users nicer and moderation better on average, their character is not the point. It is merely the result of an imperfect but better system than R*ddit.
Cryophilia@lemmy.world 6 months ago
The inevitable centralization of the fediverse means starting your own instance is not the cure all people pretend it is, even discounting the obvious technical difficulties of hosting one.