Ingress controllers like Traefik come across as LB services to IPAM modules like MetalLB (I’ve never used Kube-VIP but I suppose it’s the same story). These plug-ins assign IP addresses to these LB services.
You can assign a specific IP to an instance of an “outward-facing route” with labels. I don’t remember technical terms relevant to Ingresses because I’ve been messing with the Gateway API recently. 6 months ago
Yeah, you’d have a LoadBalancer service for Traefik which gets assigned a VIP outside the cluster. 6 months ago
I’m already doing that, but just for one VIP. I think I just need to get the additional VIPs working.
I know that I will need to update my local network’s DNS so that something like service#1 = git.ssh.local.domain and git.ssh.local.domain = and service#2 = sftp.local.domain and sftp.local.domain = I would setup as the load balancer IP address to Forgejo’s SSH entrypoint and as the load balancer IP address to the SFTP’s entrypoint. However, how would I handle requests/traffic received externally? The router/firewall would receive everything and can port forward port 22 to a single IP address, which would prevent one (or more) service from being used externally, correct?