Comment on UK | Girl died from sip of Costa Coffee drink after ‘failure to follow allergies processes’ 6 months agoIf you have an allergy to milk so severe you’ll die, you’re probably just gonna die. Unless you only eat what you or mom prepared.
It’s not about training, mistakes happen. If NASA engineers make mistakes that crash billion dollar spacecraft, you’d better believe the folks who make your food are going to make mistakes. Don’t put your life in their hands. 6 months ago
I have watched the cafe I occasionally go to prepare hot drinks for people who ask for something other than cow’s milk.
They use a clean jug, they double check with the customer, showing them the carton they plan on pouring from, only one person handles that order.
That’s the sort of care companies that don’t want to kill out injure their staff take. Yeah you need to be careful, but you can expect companies to provide a reasonable level of care 6 months ago
No, you cannot expect that. That’s a nice to have.
If you expect that, you’re going to be disappointed.
If your life depends on that, you’re going to fucking die.