Comment on Breakthrough barium titanate solar panels are 1000x more powerful than existing panels 6 months ago
shit, they generate more energy than they receive
Comment on Breakthrough barium titanate solar panels are 1000x more powerful than existing panels 6 months ago
shit, they generate more energy than they receive 6 months ago
I think what they’re saying is that this new method is 1000x more efficient compared to previous solar panels made of ferroelectric crystals, not compared to the standard silicone ones. So it’s more like “previous alternative solar panel that sucked now might not suck” rather than “existing solar panels now make 1000x more power.” 6 months ago
Base solar panel = 14% effecient x 1000 = 14,000% effecient. The only way the math works is if the new panels are 100% efficient and they are referencing a rock as a standard solar panel. I’m calling BS.