Comment on Why do most religious conservatives support capitalist ideology? ⁨1⁩ ⁨year⁩ ago

I can’t answer for America, but generally in democracies you get two parties.

Before Socialism was a thing, England had ‘Liberals/Whigs’ (what you’d call libertarians) and ‘Conservatives/Tories’ (king and country and church).

And of course, like all political groups do, they hated each other.

The Church of England was once known as the Tory Party at Prayer.

With the rise of socialism, the ‘conservatives’ and ‘liberals’ were squeezed, and combined to oppose socialist thought, which hated them both and wanted to destroy everything they thought was worthwhile in the world.

So there’s an uneasy alliance in England between classical liberals and religious loonies, who’d naturally detest each other. That’s the modern Conservative party, who want to use radical social transformation to go back to the glorious past.

Socialism has rather collapsed as an idea, leaving Labour as the party of ‘every problem can be solved by stealing more money and spending it on subsidies’. A position which is popular with those who benefit from subsidy, and unpopular with those who get their stuff stolen.

Obviously this is a shit system, but it’s better than regular civil war, which is the only system that can rival democracy for stability.
