Comment on Faux Wood Grain using MMU! 6 months ago
With Sunlu’s new filament joiner coming out, I might give this a try by splicing segments of different browns together into a big roll. It’s a very near concept, and your print looks amazing! 6 months ago
That’s a great idea! Would be such a faster print too 6 months ago
Gist time I sliced something for my AMS lite I was flabbergasted by the increase in printing time and waste.
For those unaware, since you’re often having 4 filament changes per layer, each of which take about a minute, a 1hr mono-fillament print can suddenly turn into a 36-hr print with 5-10x more filament being purged than ends up in the model.
It’s really cool, but super wasteful.
But you can strategize to minimize filament changes by splitting up a model and stacking it to minimize filament changes per layer. This one only took about 8 hours.