“plaintiff knew they had a food allergy and yet did not carry an epi pen”
Except they did. They self-administered the epi-pen before being taken to the hospital like you’re supposed to.
This is clearly a hail Mary from Disney, and I have no idea why considering the bad publicity will clearly outweigh a wrongful death payment. Disney has people die at their facilities all the time, usually it’s unrelated to anything they did, but it’s not like people haven’t suddenly had heart attacks or a stroke at a park before.
Erbteufel665@lemmy.world 6 months ago
If you read the article you’d notice that she did carry and administer the EpiPen and still died later at the hospital. Not a doctor so no idea how that works but it seems like she did everything she was supposed to.
reddig33@lemmy.world 6 months ago
Wow that is awful.