Comment on Enemies of glory have no honor 6 months agoOkay but then would you put Michael Phelps in his own category for having:
- The torso of a 6’8 man and the legs of a 6’0 man, giving him a disproportionately large chest and less leg drag in the water
- A wingspan that’s longer than his own height (his arms stretch to 6’7!), something so freakish and concerning that he thought he might have a disease at one point in his life
- Double-jointed elbows, chest and feet that are basically flippers because of how much he can bend them
Or do you just accept that some people are extraordinary and that a Usain Bolt, Michael Phelps or [insert female athlete with unusual physical characteristics] can come along once a generation and dominate a sport because they were born to do so?