Comment on Chat With Your SQL Database Using LLM 6 months agoBoth langchain as well as ollama run locally and are open source.
To be very frank: your post sounds like fear mongering without having even clicked on the link. 6 months ago
I did read the article. Do you arbitrarily trust any code you run locally without reviewing it? 6 months ago
I have reviewed the tiniest fraction of code that I have ever used.
That’s about 4500 software packages I have installed on one Linux system, to say nothing of other computing devices I’ve used or the other packaging systems in use on this system alone. I have probably looked at any portion of…I don’t know, maybe 20 of those? And that’s to work on a small portion of any one’s codebase, certainly not to audit the software package.
Nobody using any kind of a remotely normal and modern computing environment, even if they are a software developer and know at least one programming language used by some of the software on their system and if they have the relevant domain knowledge to assess security concerns, has the realistic ability to review the code that runs on their system, even in environments, like Linux, where the code is available. 6 months ago
So yes, is the answer. No matter the code; you happily run it 6 months ago
Are you trying to tell us that before installing anything on your computer, you read every single line of code in Ghidra? You must be a Gentoo user. 6 months ago
if you review the source of everything you run, you must have a very stressful life