Assuming they started off as two of them 2000 years ago and Fibonacci was right about rabbit breeding habits (and Olympians mature in 4 years time and don’t menopause before the age of 2000). We’d have 139423224561697880139724382870407283950070256587697307264108962948325571622863290691557658876222521294125 (500th element of the Fibonacci sequence (2000 years / 4 years = 500 Olympian breeding seasons). There’d be plenty of them to name planets after.
Comment on Rain on Other Worlds 6 months agoI know that Olympians fuck like rabbits, but they only meet up once every four years. Can’t be that massive of a population increase. 6 months ago 6 months ago
You really think Zeus is gonna have that long of a dry spell? Never mind Aphrodite or Dionysus?
I bet Hera is a closet freak, too. (Zeus just doesn’t like the whips.) 6 months ago
From what I can tell, they’ve all had a several thousand years dry spell. Haven’t seen those guys around in a long time.