Comment on LaTeX Master Race 6 months agoNot to dunk on word, if I need slightly more flexibility than a native .txt reader, it will do in a pinch. That being said:
Word: Oh, you want a table? Good luck getting your excel sheet to cary everything over properly, and god forbid you change a formula. You want to write it natively in word? Lol no.
Latex: tabularx goes brrrr
Word: Equations? Have fun properly tracking equation numbers and manually formatting your text to center justified every time.
Latex: $ $, \( \), and \begin{equation} go brrrr.
Word: Figures? Hope you anchored everything properly, it would be a shame if your entire document layout got shifted...
Latex: What the fuck is an anchor? top, here, bottom, those are your options. Add an exclamation mark if you're feeling spicy.