Also worth mentioning that the number of votes each state gets is based on very outdated logic.
The logic is basically sound but we borked the shit out of the system with the Re-Apportionment Act of 1929.
Comment on YSK most US states assign their electoral college votes by the state's popular vote 6 months ago
But if you live in a state that is overwhelmingly one party, your states votes are going to go to that candidate. I live in California, and there not much chance that any California delegates are going to go to Trump. True, the districts didn’t matter for the EC votes, but that doesn’t mean everyone’s vote counts the same.
Also worth mentioning that the number of votes each state gets is based on very outdated logic.
It would be different if there were no EC and it was decided based on the national popular vote.
Also worth mentioning that the number of votes each state gets is based on very outdated logic.
The logic is basically sound but we borked the shit out of the system with the Re-Apportionment Act of 1929. 6 months ago
True, some states are too extreme to ever flip. Then other states like Texas or North Carolina are perceived as firmly in one camp, but they might not be if everyone actually voted.