Comment on ‘Google Is a Monopolist,’ Judge Rules in Landmark Antitrust Case 6 months ago
If I am looking it up correctly, judge Amit Mehta was appointed by Obama (who had ties with Google), and still ruled google a Monopoly.
I just like stuff like this as it shows a judge can put bias aside in a ruling, supposedly. 6 months ago
Not really. It could be simply that in an effort to not appear biased he over corrected and ruled more harshly against Google.
Now I’m not saying that this what happened here, but it’s just another facet of want it’s important to avoid bias entirely, not simply trust that someone can rise above them. 6 months ago
Except that bias is an inevitable consequence of human psychology. The trick is to minimize it. 6 months ago
Yes. That’s exactly my point. Minimizing it in this case means having a judge without any dotted line connections to Google. 6 months ago