7 months ago
Idk why Israel is even still part of UN, everything UN did in the last years was being against Israel… 7 months ago
Idk why Israel is even still part of UN, everything UN did in the last years was being against Israel… 7 months ago
Weird that the UN is against an illegal occupation. /s 7 months ago
UN is a toilet paper company. And openly supports terrorism and imperialism. Its just one of the biggest shitshows humanity came up with so far. 7 months ago
Pretty sure calling everyoneea nazi who doesn’t agree with you is in violation of rule 3. 7 months ago
ICJ is just as undermined as the rest of UN. It was founded in good intention, but UN is the sum of its parts, and most parts are not democratic, are inherently antisemitic (objectively) and just plotting war constantly (especially Iran, China and Russia)