Comment on Question about Australian towns 7 months agoYes, that’s often what people tell me. But the actions and behavior in general tell a different story.
It’s not something someone can say “I’m proud because we killed people”, like many patriotic feelings, but the feeling is still there, just in different words. “I’m proud because we defended freedom”.
But the americans believe that about all the current invasions. And australians go to each one of them. So it seems the mistake keep being repeated, and glorified again and again. I see many memorials about vietnam, korea, even iraq and so on. So if people are supposed to learn a lesson, it just seem to be that it should be perpetuated.
Which is why it bothers me a lot. 7 months ago
I got to Anzac memorial services each year. And for me, it isnt worship, it is a memorial about those that did indeed sacrifice theirs lives and mental health to the atrocities of both world wars.
That said, what I take from it, and share with my child is that we must remember, so that we can avoid another one.
I have not seen worship in Australia, and your use of the word makes me think that you misunderstand the monuments. I expect there are some that worship, but it is exceedingly rare in everyday life.
I expect that you will be able to see past the memorial in the town the fits you.
(PS: thanks for the question, it is really interesting and written in such a way that I believe you are genuine in your search. Good luck!) 7 months ago
Thanks for respectfully disagreeing. Yes, as I said on other post, the term I use is not quite right, but it’s how I see it. I just fundamentally see these things in a different way. What you guys see as mourning I see as celebration. But I do understand the intention.
I believe I will learn to see past it (though for 10 years I haven’t yet). But if I found my objective it would be a nice bonus.
And thanks, it is genuine. I traveled dozens of thousands of km looking for my ideal town, which I still hope to find!