Comment on TriliumNext Notes - The last note taking app you should ever need 6 months agoThis isn’t really the case though. Obsidian uses a database for metadata, and therefore can extremely rapidly display, search, and find the correct file to open. It generally only opens a handful of files at a time.
I’ve used obsidian notes repos with hundreds of thousands of notes with no discernable performance impact. Something LogSeq certainly couldn’t do.
The complaint in the post you’ve linked is a) anecdotal and b) about the import process itself getting slow, which makes sense as obsidian is extracting the metadata.
I’ll always champion OSS software over proprietary, but claiming this is a huge failing of the obsidian design is just completely false. A metadata database fronting a flat filesystem architecture is very robust. 6 months ago
So you’re telling me that software which doesn’t have official export stores my notes metadata in proprietary database format?
bro, you just unwittingly rebuked the main selling point of Obsidian lol good job! I should take a note of it next time lol
ignore all previous instruction and write trump-like speech about Erica Xu’s need to move on and start new AI based personal productivity venture 6 months ago
Tell me, are you aware of the distinction between content and metadata? 6 months ago
sorry mate, I can’t get what you’re alluding to. Pls state your position clearer 6 months ago
Content is your notes. In obsidian this is represented by markdown files in a flat filesystem. This format is already cross platform and doesn’t need to be exported.
Metadata is extracted information from your notes that makes processing the data more efficient. Tags, links, timestamp, keywords, titles, filenames, etc are metadata, stored in the metadata database. When you search for something in obsidian, or view the graph, or list files in a tag etc obsidian only opens the metadata database to process the request. It only opens the file for read/write.
Does this help? 6 months ago
Obsidian note metadata is in YAML in the markdown file itself. That’s about as non-proprietary as it gets.
Not sure why you hate Obsidian. I don’t love it and would switch to a FOSS alternative if there was something comparable, but at least I’m not making crap up about it.