Caldav doesn’t support kanban lmao.
Comment on 2.4.0 released 6 months ago
For my tasks I use Nextcloud Tasks via caldav. Do you plan to add caldav support? You could solve the problem of missing native apps with this as well, as caldav is supported in a lot of desktop calendar apps (e.g. Thunderbird), and android has the genial opentasks app which uses the same standard. 6 months ago 6 months ago
Caldav is a protocol to sync tasks and calendar events. Kanban is a way to sort/display tasks. The to things are orthogonal.
I used nextcloud deck, a kanban board. Lo and behold, it uses calendar tasks under the hood, and you can sync them with caldav. Obviously you loose some features from the kanban board, but it’s a perfect middleground if you are nit a heavy kanban user. 6 months ago
Obviously, you loose some from the kanban board
This is my point.
Also, isnt nextcloud deck via caldav read only? 6 months ago
Yeah I consider adding caldav support eventually, but I need to read about it a little more and experiment a bit to see how much complexity it would add to it. I really want to keep the project as simple as possible in regards to both setup/installation and how it works, so I need to evaluate it properly to see if it’s worth it or not