Comment on Real Facebook ad that doubles as a god-tier shitpost 7 months agoI don’t know…the commercial with the cartoon showing sixteen blades are needed for that baby smooth face seemed pretty convincing.
Comment on Real Facebook ad that doubles as a god-tier shitpost 7 months agoI don’t know…the commercial with the cartoon showing sixteen blades are needed for that baby smooth face seemed pretty convincing. 7 months ago
Well, buy what you think works best for you is all i can say. Anything more than a twin blade is just a waste of time to me as i can get baby smooth with a single properly weilded 7 months ago
T’was a joke. I haven’t shaved with a razor for a few years. Just knock em down with an electric trimmer. I then keep buzzing all around my head. I don’t have time for hair anymore. 😬
I do think I own the five-blade versions from Costco. They’ve lasted for a long time since I hate using a razor in the first place. My father used the single edge safety razor. Wish I’d thought to ask for it when he passed. I would try using it.