Comment on Review says puberty blocker curb has not led to suicide rise 7 months agoThen why are different studies saying different things? Another thing is that puberty can be a cure for dysphoria, as I know many were uncomfortable with their body or the idea of puberty as teenagers, but they grew into it. 7 months ago
Can you provide me with the studies saying something different? It’s hard to speak to a theoretical.
And many in what way? Personal experience, a mass meta analysis of treatments? There is some data (again; always need more) showing that more than half of the children who express some level of gender nonconformity will eventually settle on identifying with their gender assigned at birth. This aligns with our overall understanding of how children learn who they are: trying on new identity “hats” to find the ones that fit. We also have evidence that even having a single person using a trans youth’s chosen name results in a 29% decrease in suicidal ideation, and a 56% decrease in suicidal behavior. For the youth who are cis, it at worst makes no difference, at best communicates that they have support while they figure out who they are. So I would argue that it’s the time taken for a youth to explore their gender and figure out what’s correct, that actually provides a “cure for dysphoria”, rather than puberty itself. In fact, a US survey of nearly 28,000 trans respondents found that for those between kindergarten and 8th grade (5 - 14 years old), those who were out as, or perceived to be trans, 54% were verbally harassed, 24% were physically assaulted, and 13% were sexually assaulted; 17% left school because of maltreatment. So what you’re interpreting as youth being cured, is more likely them going back into the closet to avoid being harassed.