Are you misreading something? Renewables generated 120% of demand during the day and still around 50% at night with no solar
Comment on California Grid Breezes Through Heat Wave due to Renewables, Batteries 7 months ago
100 days of 100% renewable then shows an image where demand is in excess of renewables.
30% renewable power is really not a lot at all. If that’s the best America can do in the best state. That’s really shocking. Richest country in the world with some of the best solar and wind resources of any country and they are trying to make out 30% is a good figure. 7 months ago 7 months ago
I get what they are trying to say but it doesn’t read like that. 7 months ago
30% isn’t “The best we can do.” it’s the best we’ve done so far. Nearly every State in the U.S. is busy building out Wind and Solar capacity so its getting better.
The real news in this article is how well the battery piles are doing at keeping the grid stable while meeting demand spikes. It’s real world data showing that the base load problem can be mitigated, or even eliminated, if you have sufficient energy storage. 7 months ago
It absolutely is the best you can do in 2024. Future goals don’t help with now. America should be way further along. Behind both Europe and China in a lot of ways.
The present and the future are two separate issues. But even then future plans seem lower than what they should be.
The battery and grid usage is a good sign for things to come. There was a much better article on this from a few months though. China has done a real impressive job with dropping the battery prices worldwide.