Comment on Trump Airpods 7 months ago
They had a 50% to get this correct and did it backwards
No, the point is that trump wouldn’t use the right airpod, so it will always be at full charge
Thanks for memesplaining, I’d have used open box with the left missing instead.
I… Still don’t get the joke
There was an assassination attempt on Trump recently. He barely escaped being shot in the head and managed to get away with only a graze that damaged his right ear
Ah. I knew about the attempt but didn’t know the specifics of how Trump was injured. Thanks. 7 months ago
No, the point is that trump wouldn’t use the right airpod, so it will always be at full charge 7 months ago
Thanks for memesplaining, I’d have used open box with the left missing instead. 7 months ago
I… Still don’t get the joke 7 months ago
There was an assassination attempt on Trump recently. He barely escaped being shot in the head and managed to get away with only a graze that damaged his right ear 7 months ago
Ah. I knew about the attempt but didn’t know the specifics of how Trump was injured. Thanks.