Comment on Borderlands 2 improved on everything I liked from B1 7 months agoYes. Bad, unfunny, annoying writing. Gun options are WAY WAY overcomplicated, and yet the affects do not often feel terribly varied. Stupid plot. 7 months ago
Man, I remember hearing about borderlands 3 bragging about how many guns they had when the game was coming out, and I was like oh man what a bad idea.
So it’s gratifying to know that it was a terrible idea, because they already had too many guns with too little differentiation.
And the writing is so good into, and the delivery is so good into, that. If you are not matching that, then you shouldn’t try to make a sequel.
That’s sad. Not having played BL3 yet, it’ll be hilarious if I play it and disagree with everybody, although obviously I doubt it.