Yes! I was hoping someone would mention the Tiny Tina DnD campaign. Tiny Tina is my favorite in general, but that DLC made me appreciate her character in subsequent play throughs even more. Her laugh kills me.
Comment on Borderlands 2 improved on everything I liked from B1 7 months ago
If you haven't already, you should also give the DLCs a try. Each of them are really good, though the Tiny Tina DLC is easily the best of them. 7 months ago 7 months ago
Okay rad, thanks. I don’t usually do DLCs either, but this was so much fun that I’m willing to give them a shot. 7 months ago
Oh they’re fantastic. Tiny Tina’s and Torgue’s especially. Oh man, and the Mechromancer and Krieg!
BL2 is one of my all time favorite games, like many others here. It’s nearly perfect. 7 months ago
The Krieg trailer is still absolutely iconic and memorable for me. 7 months ago
Haha, oh that’s awesome.
Let’s go nitpick.
I can literally only pick out one systematic problem of BL2, which is every now and then I would pursue a side quest that cannot be actionable unless a previous quest is activated, but there’s no indication that the previous quest has to be activated.
So I wasted hours, because the game is so captivating, running around in circles jumping on top of houses that shouldn’t be jumped on to activate part of the map that shouldn’t be activated because there was no indication that I was doing the wrong thing because the quest told me to go there when in fact it was a different quest.
What’s yours? 7 months ago
Two (well, three) things later games improved on, for all their faults: slag and the map. 3 removed the former and vastly improved the latter, as well as the split screen menus being actually legible. Slag was really just a damage gate that felt obligatory on everything endgame, and the map became 3D and much easier to parse quickly.
I’d forgotten about those kinds of issues with following some quests, that was definitely irritating too
Still, I love BL2 7 months ago
Might be the best dlc in history