Comment on Pleasant Politics: Politics without the jerks 7 months ago
I think any experiment that could potentially filter out bad faith participants is at least worth a try. I participate in political discussions pretty infrequently, but when reading them I often see users jumping in with a ridiculous viewpoint that they are completely unwilling to discuss or hear any flaws about. That's not conversation, that's trying to shout others down, and I will be interested to see if that kind of behavior gets caught by your bot. 7 months ago
I know exactly what you mean. If I had to pick one type of comment that the bot is designed to ban for, those are them. It turns out to be pretty easy to do, too, because the community usually downvotes those comments very severely, even if the current moderation rules allow them even when someone does them 20 times a day.
Pick a name of someone you’ve seen do that, search the modlog on, and I think you will find them banned by Santa. And, if they’re not, DM me their username, because there might be some corner case in the parameter tuning that I have missed.