Comment on A "test" to judge Star Trek shows 8 months ago
I love this! Now you need to do an analysis like this one on Star Trek and the Bechdel-Wallace test!
I realize you’re not trying to predict quality, just personal enjoyability, but I do wonder how it relates to quality.
I actually think it might be slightly more predictive of the quality of a show overall than of individual episodes. But both ST:TOS and ST:TNG have many great captain-centric episodes that I’m not sure if it is predictive of episode quality particularly. 8 months ago
TOS is already a rough rewatch with some of its acting and portrayals of the future. I can’t imagine how tough it would be to rewatch it through that lens. Haha!
I don’t mean for this to measure quality. To each their own, as they say. After all, it is just entertainment and I’m free to watch anything else or skip this or that episode. This is all just a fun observation for me, much like a discussion on the finer points of warp theory or Federation economics.
Still, I’m glad it’s something that clicked for you too. I figured there would be a number of people whose appreciation of Trek relates to this “test”.